Your Self Assessment
The following health questionnaire was designed to assist you in determining what system(s) or organs and glands are weak or failing in your body. Disease symptoms are nothing more than the failure of your cells to function properly, as well as having congested and obstructed body systems. This is a tool that can assist you in becoming more aware of your body's condition as well.
Use our herbal formulas to help you clean and strengthen the specific areas of your body that this questionnaire identifies for you.
If you want us to assist you on this journey, please call 941-467-1566 to schedule a consultation session. I will personally develop a protocol specifically designed to address your areas of weakness. The cost for this consultation is $100.00, which is approximately a 2 hour session and does not include the cost of the herbs.
Prior to a consultation session, please print and complete the Health Questionnaire by simply clicking on the following link:
PDF File: Health Questionnaire
Once you have completed both forms, prior to your consultation session, please e-mail them to:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Please feel free to contact Hearken Natural Herbs if you have any questions.
Roger Larson
The following health questionnaire was designed to assist you in determining what system(s) or organs and glands are weak or failing in your body. Disease symptoms are nothing more than the failure of your cells to function properly, as well as having congested and obstructed body systems. This is a tool that can assist you in becoming more aware of your body's condition as well.
Use our herbal formulas to help you clean and strengthen the specific areas of your body that this questionnaire identifies for you.
If you want us to assist you on this journey, please call 941-467-1566 to schedule a consultation session. I will personally develop a protocol specifically designed to address your areas of weakness. The cost for this consultation is $100.00, which is approximately a 2 hour session and does not include the cost of the herbs.
Prior to a consultation session, please print and complete the Health Questionnaire by simply clicking on the following link:
PDF File: Health Questionnaire
Once you have completed both forms, prior to your consultation session, please e-mail them to:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Please feel free to contact Hearken Natural Herbs if you have any questions.
Roger Larson